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As part of our Meet the Team Series, we catch up with James Peacock, Business Development.

As part of our Meet the Team Series, we catch up with James Peacock, Business Development.

I work in the business development team at ThoughtRiver assisting our clients with demonstrations of our world-leading AI contract review platform.


I’ve taken many of the skills I’ve built over a 16-year sales career in Financial Markets and HNW sales to the world of legal technology - an industry with the growth I’m understandably excited about.

A Typical Day.

8:00 AM - Armed with a VERY strong coffee, I look at any incoming emails from our US customers overnight and make sure I've kept up with any follow ups. I'll spend half an hour planning out my day, charting out what my goals should be for that day, and what I need from other departments.

I'll also use this time to speak to our Commercial Director who is in Singapore for a client meeting. 

9:15 AM - Alignment call with our sales and senior management teams to focus on the onboarding of key accounts, client feedback, and discussing actions from the previous day's demonstrations. We will also discuss which client contracts need final terms agreeing with the Head of Legal, Alice.

10:30 AM - I normally grab a coffee from our in-house barista and focus on a proof of concept for a client; I’m currently working with a client in Germany and I want to make sure we are aligned on the project timescale and some specific questions the client has with regards to legal questions around subcontracting. Luckily we have a large existing base of highly trained questions for their specific needs so this goes really well! 

12:30 PM - I'll have lunch with a few friends from our engineering and product departments. Everyone at ThoughtRiver is super approachable and that's universal from VP to trainee! 

1:30 PM - I have some demonstrations to do and this is my very favourite part of the job. Today I’ve got a London-based insurance company, a multinational private healthcare provider, and an AM50 US Law firm; all completely different use cases but all with the same goal - highly accurate 3rd party contract pre-screening. 

3:00 PM - I have my weekly sales meeting with my VP, Pete Nussey, and our CEO, Tim Pullan. We discuss ongoing projects with clients, partnerships, and the latest results from data science for our new AI engine, Lexible Fusion, which is performing at an astonishing accuracy rate of 97%!

4:00 PM - I have some time to catch up with a US client who wants to talk over final commercial terms and move to an extensive trial. 

5:00 PM – Time for my train home!