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ThoughtRiver, a leading provider of contract review and analysis software, is excited to announce that it has been shortlisted for three supplier category awards at the prestigious Legal Innovation Awards 2023, organized by This recognition highlights ThoughtRiver's commitment to revolutionizing the legal services industry through cutting-edge technology.

The three categories in which ThoughtRiver has been shortlisted are:

  1. Disruptive Technology of the Year: Recognizing ThoughtRiver's groundbreaking technology that has disrupted and transformed the legal services sector by revolutionizing contract review processes and techniques.

  2. Outstanding Legal Operations: Showcasing ThoughtRiver's exceptional software designed to support the business functions of corporate legal departments.

  3. Product of the Year: Celebrating ThoughtRiver's innovative product that has significant impact in the legal industry within the past year.

For more information on the shortlist, please visit:

ThoughtRiver's innovative contract review software leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to expedite the contract review process, minimize risks, and empower legal professionals to make data-driven decisions. By automating the analysis of contractual terms, ThoughtRiver's platform reduces the time spent on contract review, ultimately increasing efficiency, cost savings, and legal team productivity.

The Legal Innovation Awards 2023 honor the industry's most forward-thinking companies and individuals, showcasing excellence in the legal profession. We are delighted to be shortlisted for its contributions to legal technology and our unwavering dedication to driving innovation in the sector.

About ThoughtRiver: ThoughtRiver is a cutting-edge contract review and analysis software company that is transforming the way legal professionals work. Combining the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, ThoughtRiver's platform accelerates the contract review process, mitigates risks, and empowers decision-making based on data-driven insights. With a relentless focus on innovation, ThoughtRiver is committed to helping legal teams work smarter, faster, and more effectively.

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